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Planning and Coordination Division(기획조정과)

The division that generalizes planning operation at NAS (The National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) consists of 6 teams comprising the Planning Strategy Team, Research Management Team, Performance Team, Cooperation Team, Public Relations & Planning Team, and Technology Information Team.

(1) Strategy Planning Team

Establishes the core tasks & research strategy of the operating organization, human resources including financial operations, revitalization of research activity, and devising organizational development strategy, etc.

(2) Research Coordination Team

Operates the agricultural research program "Agenda" through ATIS (Agricultural science Technology Information System), complementing regulations and guidelines for project management, supporting diverse research activities including international joint project and security project and answering to inquiry from Parliament in the field of agricultural basic research, etc.

(3) Performance Management Team

Responsible for the efficient management of research results such as research papers, intellectual property rights, and technology transfers, and keeps customers informed of our scientific performance through the management of various exhibitions. To come up with an effective counterplan for both internal and external evaluation of NAS, the key role of the team is maximizing and boosting research results.

(4) Public Relations & Planning Team

Focuses on publishing the organization's research results effectively by establishing yearly P.R. planning and developing & managing mass media.

(5) Information Technology Services Team

Provides the infrastructure that enables members of NAS to make maximum use of the appropriate information technology tools and works to ensure security and privacy for NAS networks, computers, and individuals.

NAS' Planning & Coordination Division manages and supports R&D activities to develop NAS as a leading research institution for the knowledge society of the 21st century. The division's activities are directed at building a creative organizational culture that maximizes the impact of NAS' research.